Thursday, October 28, 2010

Maintaining Chastity through Righteous Living

Please take some time to prayerfully read and think on the following scriptures for Sunday.  How can the principles taught in these scriptures help a young woman maintain chastity?

D&C 121:45-46

D&C 58:2

D&C 93:49

D&C 59:9

We must always be obedient to gospel principles. Straying from the protection of gospel principles, little by little, eventually results in unhappiness.  We must develop habits of obeying them every day. Inconsistent efforts will not help to keep us pure and clean.  You can maintain chastity and personal purity with obedience and by developing righteous daily habits and activities. As you do, you will find the JOY that the Lord promises to all the faithful.

We are daughters of our Heavenly Father.  Remembering our divine nature, we should remain fearless and show that we truly are queens. And you should know that you are loved-- so very, very much.

See you this weekend!

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